Military Couple Wins Dream Wedding!
Sea Watch Resort is very honored and proud to be the host resort for this amazing wedding being held on September 10, 2011. Staff Sgt. Stephanie Brewster and Master Sgt. Larry Reyes signed up for "Operation Happily Ever After" hoping to win an all expense paid dream wedding and indeed they did win. The happy couple both work at Womack Army Medical Center in Fort Bragg.The dream wedding is worth approximately $38,000.00. Everything the couple needs for a dream wedding is being taken care of by the generosity of sponsors - wedding reception, rings, pictures, gown, and tuxedos. It will be a day this happy couple will always remember.
Sea Watch Resort would like to take a moment to say Thank You to Stephanie and Larry, and all the other brave men and women who protect our great Country.
Sea Watch Resort Staff